Monday, March 12, 2007

NEAT Now Has a Blog

Whoever said parents don't know how to navigate the web like their kids? OK, so we're not as adept at ipods or as some of our children. But we're proud to say we're back online and, if you're reading this, you're here as well.

With a little bit of help
from our friend Cathy (who is a great webmaster), we've transformed our NEAT website into a very user-friendly blog. If you haven't been acquainted with a blog before, it's simple and, most important for a grass roots activist group with no budget of our own -- it's free. This is how we're going to try to keep you informed about public education funding and avenues for you -- as parents, faculty, staff and community residents -- to get involved from now on.

You've probably been keeping up with the articles in the press. There's some possibilities on the horizon at the State House this year with local tax options and a new governor committed to education. But there's also some alarm bells going off locally with possibilities of school budget shortfalls. A discussion of cuts is once again on the table. We'll be in touch with you as soon as we know more. But, meanwhile, we wanted to introduce you to our new blog.

Our address is above, but you can cut and paste it from here as well. We're now at instead of our old web address. So please keep track of us and we'll keep you informed about how to make your voices heard. Hope you enjoy our new format. If you'd like to reach us, just leave us a comment. That's the best way to reach us these days. As we get more adept, we might even do something crazy, like paste in a photo (but that will have to wait till next time).